Strength TogetHER 12- Session 6

September 25, 2021

“Everyone, at some point in their lives, wishes to rewind time; either to erase the moment or to relive it.”

In our lives, we come across multiple situations, events and crossroads, where we are required to jump across, walk slowly, or even do nothing and wait till the moment slips by. Everyone has different coping mechanisms and it is not unknown to us that sometimes regrets stick along as we move forward. 

Although our session, Filling Colors In My Silhouette: With Rewards and Regrets, was meant to talk about both regrets and rewards that have added colors to our personalities, our speakers had more to share about their regretful sides. So, we decided to move forward with it. Our session was moderated by our very own Rosy Karna ma’am. She completed her undergraduate and masters in biology from Stanford University, California, USA and is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology at the PGSP Stanford Psy.D. Consortium Program.

Our first speaker with a colorful personality shared with us her detrimental trait of trusting people easily and oversharing things about herself. This trait of hers turned into a regretful situation when a person that she trusted with her family issues and mental health tried to create misunderstandings between her and her brother, breaking her trust.

Having met an amazing person online with the same hobbies, tastes in music, poems and theatre, our second speaker had built a deep level of connection with him, not as in romantically, but as a fellow human. Despite being in a committed relationship, she shared how she longed to talk with her online friend more as she could relate to him more in terms of her life goals. She one day decided to just let go of that friend and then never ever talked to him, which is what she feels was a wrong decision and somewhat regrets today.

Our third speaker shared an incident from her school days which ruined the friendship between her best friend and her other friend. Had she not spoken up on the matter, she could have saved the situation from worsening. However, what she did was fair enough. This makes the incident a regretful yet a rewarding one.

Being a little girl of matured personality, our fourth speaker was praised by all as a child, which she considered a reward at that point. However, due to it, she started seeking emotional support from a very young age. Her dependence upon others crushed her emotional state and now she confesses living as a  pitch-black silhouette having lost her colors after that one loved person abandoned her.

Our moderator had so much yet nothing to say on these stories. As she listened to each of these stories with a smile, she also put down her unbiased but personal opinions about the individual situations and how she’d have reacted to it. She constantly kept reminding us how the decisions we made were always meant for the good of us. “No decision is ever wrong, it depends on how we perceive the situation”, she added, helping us release the regrets we’ve been holding for so long. 

Her “Everything shall be alright” kind of gesture made us all comfortable. Also, she was proud of how we, here in Strength TogetHER, have successfully created this beautiful bond of open-minded individuals. 

Whoever and whatever we are today is a result of all the little and big steps we have taken in our lives so far. Everything that we experience adds a color to our soul, be it a purplish love or a purplish bruise, a red passion or a red rage. Life itself is a silhouette meant to be filled, but first we shall unfold the color palette of our soul, only then shall we find the true purpose of our existence.

 Regrets, no matter how difficult it is, shall be left behind and even the smallest of rewards shall wholeheartedly be cherished forever.

Written by: Nirjara Shrestha(Cohort Coordinator)


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