
Strength TogetHER 12- Session 6

September 25, 2021 “Everyone, at some point in their lives, wishes to rewind time; either to erase the moment or to relive it.” In our lives, we come across multiple situations, events and crossroads, where we are required to jump across, walk slowly, or even do nothing and wait till the moment slips by. Everyone has different coping mechanisms and it is not unknown to us that sometimes regrets stick along as we move forward.  Although our session, Filling Colors In My Silhouette: With Rewards and Regrets, was meant to talk about both regrets and rewards that have added colors to our personalities, our speakers had more to share about their regretful sides. So, we decided to move forward with it. Our session was moderated by our very own Rosy Karna ma’am. She completed her undergraduate and masters in biology from Stanford University, California, USA and is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology at the PGSP Stanford Psy.D. Consortium Program. Our first speaker w

Strength TogetHER 12- Session 5

                                                                                                                                                      6th September 2021 “ The problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue but that they are incomplete; they make one story become the only story.” Stereotyping and creating assumptions about anyone and everyone is a global culture and a concern as well. We live in a society where people are so stuck in their mindsets about others that they’re not ready to take the exceptions into consideration. Being a topic less considered in our society and also one of the major topics requiring attention for the social development of the vastly growing generation, we decided to hold the fifth session of Cohort 12 with the theme “Stereotypes and Assumptions''.Our session was moderated by Angel Lama, a Trans activist, LGBTQ+ activist, and an active human rights advocate. She is an alternative platform member of RHRN for marriage equality thr

Strength TogetHER 12- Session 4

  17th July, 2021 'When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure'. Losing someone you love is the hardest thing in the world to deal with.It is a kind of pain that you physically feel all over your body.Grief is synonymous with death.Its suffering of the worst kind. To make things easy and comfortable, Strength togetHER, Cohort 12 themed its session as 'Losing someone you loved- As the flower wither'.We were moderate by Miss Rosy Karna,  Psy.D candidate at Stanford University with a specialization in Clinical psychology.   The session started from 12 in the noon with active participants of 15 people through the virtual world of zoom which lasted for more than an hour. We started the session with a warm greetings and began the session with story telling- Our first speaker shared a story of how she lost one of her closest friend.Her friend was unwell since few days but the condition was not complicated.One day, she came to know about his death thro

Strength TogetHER 12- Session 3

10th July, 2021 “SHAVE BECAUSE YOU WANT TO, NOT BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO” Our third session of Strength TogetHER was themed as “Normalizing Body Hair” was focused on breaking the gender stereotype of girls needing to have a perfectly hairless body. Here, we discussed the complexities girls in general face in society for having body hair. Our session was moderated by Mrs.Bhawana Malla Baniya. This session had a participation of 20+ amazing girls and body hair being a hot topic to shame girls in our society, we decided to keep the floor open for everyone to share their stories. We proceeded the session with the speakers sharing their stories and experiences. Our first speaker shared how her male classmates used to bully her for having hair in her hands and face in her school days. Right after completing 10th grade, waxing and threading had become a routine for her. She used to visit the parlor every two weeks for the hair removal. It was in her college days that she realized she didn’t need t

Strength TogetHER 12- Session 2

26th June, 2021 “Love is too beautiful to be hidden in a closet.” Strength TogetHER , the second session  was themed as “Exploring the Rainbow” in celebration of pride month. Here, we discussed the complexities people from LGBTQI+ community face in the society even today. Our session was moderated by Nirvana Bhandary, a feminist writer,  artist and activist who  is also  the founder of The F Project Nepal, a writers collective and digital platform for feminist storytelling. We proceeded the session with the speakers sharing their stories and experiences. Having gone to an ‘All Girls’ school, the notion of the school to not be close with girls and even maintain physical distance with other girls was witnessed by our first speaker. Because  she didn’t know much about LGBTQI+ community and the presence of homophobic environment in the schoool, for the whole school time period she and her friends had misconception that being close and having feelings towards girls was actually a wrong thin

Strength TogetHER 12- Session 1

12th June, 2021 " There's no limit to what we, as woman can accomplish."- Michelle Obama With the very motto of women empowerment, Lokopakar, a organization working for the well being of youth, had launched a program Strength TogetHER a year ago in December, 2019. Originally targeted for outdoor learning, Lokopakar now, has been running four virtual interactive programs due to the prevailing lock down and chaos. The programs being run include Mentorship(Margadarshan), Mental Health Series, UDAAN and Strength togetHER. Strength TogetHER operates in cohorts (groups) to guide young girls in the path of self-love, self-growth and self-confidence. Women, as far as the history holds, have always been found suppressed and "taught" their limits. Here in Strength TogetHER, we break the stereotypes and grow at our own pace breaking the chains forbidding us from flying. Our very first session of Cohort 12 , the Introductory Session, had a participation of 20 wonderful