
Showing posts from November, 2021

Strength TogetHER 12- Session 5

                                                                                                                                                      6th September 2021 “ The problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue but that they are incomplete; they make one story become the only story.” Stereotyping and creating assumptions about anyone and everyone is a global culture and a concern as well. We live in a society where people are so stuck in their mindsets about others that they’re not ready to take the exceptions into consideration. Being a topic less considered in our society and also one of the major topics requiring attention for the social development of the vastly growing generation, we decided to hold the fifth session of Cohort 12 with the theme “Stereotypes and Assumptions''.Our session was moderated by Angel Lama, a Trans activist, LGBTQ+ activist, and an active human rights advocate. She is an alternative platform member of RHRN for marriage equality thr